If you are having any issues with your Wacom driver, it could be one of many problems. Sometimes Uninstalling and Reinstalling Your Driver is only a last resort when the issue could be a temporary until a new driver is released or OS update might be required.

If you've ever seen one of the following errors, on either Mac OS or Windows/PC, then it's probably not as bad as you think. It usually says something to the effect of "Tablet Not Found" or "Tablet Not Connected, even though it might clearly be plugged in and all drivers are updated.

But in just a few steps you can restart the drivers instead of reinstalling them again, or even needing to restart your computer. Hopefully this can be a reliable fix for you until another permanent one is found through Driver or OS updates.


For Mac OS:

  1. Open up your Activity Monitor and search "Wacom" in the top right.

  2. The culprit is usually ' WacomTabletDriver'. Go ahead select and quit this process. Force Quit if necessary.

  3. To restart the Driver, open up your Finder and follow this folder path:
    /Library/Application Support/Tablet/

    Now double click on 'WacomTabletDriver' to run it. You should see it pop back up in your Activity Monitor window.

  4. If everything worked as expected, you can open your Wacom Tablet Panel and test out the driver as you normally would!
  5. If this method is something you find yourself doing quite often, I recommend contacting Wacom directly.
    And in the meantime you can create a shortcut for the 'WacomTabletDriver' on your Desktop. So after quitting it, you can quickly start it like any other app.


For Windows PC:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows Key and 'R' at the same time, or search "Run" in the start menu. Then type "services.msc" and press Enter.

  2. Scroll down the list to locate and select a service that either says,  "Wacom Professional Service" or " TabletServiceWacom" .

  3. Click 'Restart' on the left panel or right click the service to choose restart.
    If that is not available, select 'Stop', then 'Start'.
  4. And thats it! Now you shouldn't have to restart your computer. But, if the above didn't work, try one more time with a simple restart afterwards to double check.

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