
Is It Better To Run Seperate Poe Sitches Foe Camera

  • Dwelling house Assistant (the best open-source smart hub) has over 1,400 agile integrations and thousands of devices that it can be integrated with.
  • This article looks as the Home Assistant hardware recommendations across main categories and based on a review of over 140 devices that I used
  • My personal setup of Home Banana works for over 3 years and I accept over 50 devices integrated to my NUC with Abode Banana that I run on docker-compose (encounter my docker-compose.yaml with traefik).


  • Domicile Assistant Infrastructure
    • Best Server for Home Assistnant
    • Best Zigbee / Z-wave Sticks
    • Best IR and RF Hub For Abode Assistant
  • Best Sensors For Home Assistnat
    • All-time Motion Sensors For Domicile Assistant
    • Best Z-wave Multisensor For Home Banana
    • All-time Door / Window Sensor for Dwelling Assistant
  • Frequenly Asked Questions

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Navigating Home Assistant can exist frustrating (especially at the beginning). To assistance the community we recently launched Home Banana Support . It is a defended and free-to-use way to ask for and receive help. We will help with general questions, help to cull hardware, integrate you devices, help with automation and in configuring Home Assistant.

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Habitation Assistant Infrastructure

Best Server for Habitation Assistnant

Best to start with Home Assistant

Raspberry Pi four

  • Simple to install with the defended image
  • Plenty power for most of the users
  • Good community support
Best Hardware for on Amazon
For experienced HA user

Intel NUC NUC8i3BEK i3 8GB DDR4, 256GB
  • Dedicated image
  • Future-proof and powerful to reliably run add-ons like VS Lawmaking, Motion Eye etc.
  • Tin can be used equally home server
Top server for Hassio

on Amazon

Any listing of the best Home Assistant hardware should get-go with a server. needs a server which is basically a headless (no screen) computer that does three things:

  • runs Home Assistant
  • allows you to control all your devices using single UI
  • connects to all your smart devices

Note: we recently published a guide on how to discover best server for Home Assistant, which might help you lot to find the all-time option when selecting the server.

Nosotros recommend having a dedicated server to run Home Banana as information technology improves the resilience of your system meaning that your other applications (similar storage or media servers) will not suffer in case of outages.

Raspberry Pi (a small factor, powerful but inexpensive mini-computer) is a no-brainer recommendation to start with Dwelling Banana. Hassos (a dedicated operating organisation that runs hassio) has a dedicated epitome for information technology which means it is easy to install.

The installation process is simple, with the simply complication can arise when setting a wifi password or a static IP for your server. It explained well in the installation guide and then please make sure y'all follow each step carefully.

Avoid corrupted SD-cards: Brand sure you install a database for your Hassio (MySql, MariaDB or PostgreSQL). Dwelling house Assistant uses sqllite (file-based database) past default. It ways a lot of read/write operations which is not smashing for SD card durability.
The easiest way to do that is to install using add-ons.

Once y'all get into different automations and peculiarly add-ons, the computing power of a Raspberry might not exist enough. This is especially truthful if you lot run something like MotionEye (software NVR) or Plex (media server). In that case we recommend using NUC. In that location are several reasons for that:

  • It has a lot of computing power for relatively depression price
  • Hassio has dedicated images to make installation like shooting fish in a barrel
  • Some add-ons (like VS Lawmaking) would piece of work nifty on NUC architecture.

Best Zigbee / Z-wave Sticks

Why do you demand comms stick

The true potential of Home Assistant is in the integration with almost any smart dwelling device. Zigbee and Z-moving ridge are the most popular local smart home protocols. A dissever stick would need to be included in your setup to connect to the devices using those protocols.

READ: Zigbee Vs Z-wave: The Boxing of smart home protocols

Best Zigbee Stick for Home Banana

If you agree with our protocol recommendation, we recommend buying dresden elektronik ConBee II ($39.83) stick. It is a further improvement (mainly range) on already first-class original ConBee stick. Very reliable and piece of cake to operate device. There are a number of ways how you can pair your Zigbee Devices, but we recommend to apply Deconz which is an excellent web-based visual front-stop. Zha component is not a bad selection, but information technology looses to Decons in UI.

Deconz interface

Best Z-wave Stick for Dwelling house Assistant

Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 ($54.99) is go-to solution for many HA users and there are reasons for that. It is so dead uncomplicated to use. This mainly considering of a-push-of -a-button pairing and ability to carry the stick around for pairing purposes.

Aeon is a very solid brand consistently producing bang-up quality smart abode devices including sensors/lights controls and Gen5 stick is non an exception. It is a well-priced device that gone through a number of iterations and trusted past many Home Assistant users

It is a small device like in size to usb stick and ane.i x 0.4 ten iii.5 inches in size and capable of controlling up to 232 different Z-Wave devices. It is likewise Z-Wave Plus certified.

Best Combo Stick (Zigbee and Z-wave)

Another option is to save xxx pounds and use HUSBZB-ane USB Hub ($54.95). It is similarly easy to install. The just affair you are loosing is Deconz, merely built in Zigbee controller volition cover your needs.

zwave:   usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0 zigbee:   device: /dev/ttyUSB1          

Best IR and RF Hub For Dwelling house Banana

Why do you need IR and RF hub?

IR and RF accept a branding outcome as the majority of people presume that those protocols are outdated and should not be used in smart home arrangement. The truth is that IR is nonetheless the main way to command your TV, Projectors and Amplifiers, while RF works bang-up with non-critical mission sensors and buttons.

  • RF (Radio frequency) protocol operates with simple one-way signals that can be interpreted every bit "the door is open up" or "switch on TV". I manner indicate means that RF devices will not ostend that the bespeak was received and/or task performed. That limited functionality is balanced with the price which is usually from two to five fourth dimension cheaper than ZigBee or Zwave.
  • IR (Infra-red) is the nigh common protocol for the bulk of Television set, Projector or air conditioner remotes. This can help you to make smart otherwise "dumb" devices in a very practical way. Every bit an example, I have a projector and a ceiling screen and by a unmarried command, Habitation Assistant switches on a projector via IR, transport the RF signal to lower the screen.

Automations ideas with RF/IR Hubs

Recommending the all-time device to employ is not easy and that is why. Intuitively just having Broadlink RM Pro4 ($44.99) should be enough. However, it is non the case for two reasons:

  • Broadlink is not very friendly for DIY smart home enthusiasts and so information technology is not easy to identify codes and reuse them.
  • It cannot be used every bit the RF receiver, so if you want to integrate your RF sensors, you need to buy a different device.

Hence our recommendation is the post-obit – go for Broadlink 2018 New RM33 RM Pro+ (Cost not available) if you do not need RF sensors and a combination of Broadlink RM Mini3 Black Edible bean Universal Remote ($23.99) and SONOFF RF Span (Price non bachelor) for any other cases.

Using Broadlink RM Pro+ with Home Banana

Broadlink RM Pro has its own component in Home Assistant, meaning information technology is actually like shooting fish in a barrel to add the device to your system.

The only upshot is sniffing for IR and RF codes. I really struggled with it as even if Broadlink Manager looks slap-up on the paper did not work for RF codes. I ended up using the workaround proposed by kiwijunglist which is a bit manual (yous accept to run the process for each code separately).

switch:    - platform: broadlink   host:   mac: !secret broadlink_mac   timeout: fifteen   switches:     projector:       friendly_name: "Projector"       command_on: 'JgBgAAABJpURFBE4ERQRFBE4ETkRFBISETkRExM3ETgRFBEUETgRORITETgSExEUERMRFBEUERMRORITETgRORE4ETgSOBE4EQAFJwABJksTAAxSAAEnShQADFEAASZLFAANBQAAAAAAAAAA'       command_off: 'JgBQAAABKJMUERQ1FBEUERQ1FDYUERMRFDYUERM2FDUUERQRFDUUNhQREzYUNhM2FBEUNRQRFBEUNRQRFBETERQ2FBETNhQ2EwAFIwABKEoTAA0FAAAAAAAAAAA='     screen:       friendly_name: "Screen"       command_on: 'eAgyAAYUBhQTCAYUEwcGFBMIBhQGFBMIBhQGFBMIEwgTBxMIEwgGFAYUBhQTCAYUBhQGwxMIAAAAAAAA'       command_off: 'eAkyABMIFAcHEwcUBxMHFBQHBxQHwxQHBxQHExQHBxQUBwcUFAcHFAcUFAcHEwgTFAgUBxQHAAAAAAAA'          

Using Broadlink RM Mini3 Black Bean Universal Remote with Home Banana

Broadlink IR hub is the best dedicated IR blaster for home assistant. It is simple to install and piece of cake to operate. The configuration is very similar to the RM Pro in a higher place, with the divergence that Broadlink Manager works actually well by installing a program on your windows calculator to get multiple IR codes at once.

Using SONOFF RF Bridge with Home Banana

Sonoff is slightly unlike to Broadlink products as to effectively use it with the Dwelling Banana we recommend flashing it with Tasmota(bully video by Dzzz on that). Once this is done, you basically can easily identify RF codes and create MQTT sensors.

binary_sensor:  - platform: mqtt   state_topic: "tele/rfbridge/RESULT"   proper noun: 'Remote 1 On'   value_template: '{{value_json.RfReceived}}'   payload_on: 'Sync 5760,Low 210,High 560,Data 005520,RfKey None'   device_class: window   qos: i   off_delay: 0          

Best Sensors For Home Assistnat

Sensors are the next thing you demand to invest in in one case yous got Home Assistant Server setup. They provide environment sensation for automation triggers or atmospheric condition. Equally an example, motion, the corporeality of light in your room, the temperature can outset or exist a condition of automation rules. Put simply, the intelligence of your smart home is based on the data provided by sensors, similar to how we are dependent on eyesight, hearing and other senses.

There are many smart sensors that would piece of work with Home Assistant and below is the option of the most applied beyond the main categories that you tin buy. Likewise, to connect HA to sensors, you need to pair it with the hubs or sticks recommended above.

Best Motion Sensors For Habitation Assistant

Motion sensors are key for building your smart home and personally, I have 9 motility (+lux) sensors in my house in each abode so I never touch a light switch anymore. I take a combination of Linkind PIR Motion Sensor and Aeon six in 1. The reason why I am using the latter in the kitchen and hallways is to also get temperature readings and prefer to power them with Air-conditioning.

Why you should ever apply motility sensors with lux? At that place are much cheaper Zigbee sensors (for example (SmartThings sensor), but it is missing a lux sensor. We highly recommend e'er become for a sensor with luminance detection as for all your calorie-free automations you will always need to know if information technology is dark plenty to switch on the lite. You can rely on time and sun position, but lux sensor is much more precise and elegant approach.

There is just i just a very proficient reason why you would utilise RF sensors over Zigbee or Z-wave sensors – price. On boilerplate, RF-based sensors are two to v times cheaper than the ones based on Zwave or Zigbee. This is mainly to the fact that they have only one-way advice (i.due east. do not have a feedback mechanism confirming that the command is received). This is not an event for sensors.

If you only need a motion sensor (for instance if all your lights already smart, or desire to use them for security only) Sonoff PIR Motion Sensor is one of the all-time indoor movement sensors for Hassio. This is based on known quality and value for money of Sonoff devices and also the improved functionality of the move sensors. Dual infrared improves the sensitivity and using ultra-low power microprocessors means that you do not need to change the batteries too often.

For the outdoor RF move sensor , we recommend JC RF Motion Sensor ($43.99) . It offers pretty much the same functionality as Sonoff but it too waterproof and suitable for outdoor installation.

Automations ideas using motion sensors

How to utilise motion sensors in Home Banana

Integrating Z-wave and Zigbee move sensors with Home Assistant is as simple as pairing them with the stick and they would automatically announced in your system.

An instance of the movement sensor driven automation:

- id: kitchen_undercabinet_lights_on   alias: kitchen undercabinet lights on   trigger:   - platform: country     entity_id: binary_sensor.aeon_labs_zw100_multisensor_6_sensor     from: 'off'     to: 'on'   - platform: numeric_state     entity_id: sensor.aeon_labs_zw100_multisensor_6_luminance     below: '12'     for:       hours: 0       minutes: 5       seconds: 0   condition:     status: and     weather:     - status: country       entity_id: binary_sensor.aeon_labs_zw100_multisensor_6_sensor       state: 'on'     - condition: numeric_state       entity_id: sensor.aeon_labs_zw100_multisensor_6_luminance       beneath: '10'   action:   - service: switch.turn_on     entity_id: switch.under_cabinet

Best Z-wave Multisensor For Home Assistant

Multisensors are expensive but may be a skillful investment if you also need temperature, humidity and other sensors for your automation. Ownership a single motion sensors make more sense than buying several devices.

Zoos iv in 1 sensor

Is a very good device and if you do non care about UV and vibration we recommend it over Aeon.


  • Practiced size and course gene for simple installation. Also comes with different mounting brackets
  • Uses ii regular AAA batteries.
  • Configurable notification LED
  • Accurate measurements

WHAT Nosotros DID Not LIKE:

  • Difficult to access action push button (y'all will demand a paperclip or something like this)
  • Not IP rated
  • Short working temperature range – if you live in the expanse with farthermost conditions and need accurate reporting it might not work for you
How to apply multisensors in Dwelling house Assistant

Please note that multisensors usually are shown as multiple sensors. There will be a combination of binary sensors and sensors that y'all can employ for your automation purposes.

Multisensors shown as split up sensors

Automation ideas using multisensors

Best Door / Window Sensor for Home Assistant

Door sensors are very simple devices. Their purpose is to show the condition of your window or a door (we also have ideas using it with a mailbox or a fridge). In Home Banana it would testify "on" or "off" as the status which tin be used for automations.

Comparison SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor and Z-Wave Door Sensor by Ecolink the former is much better value as the door sensor for Domicile Assistant. In addition to the on/off condition it also provides vibration and temperature reading which can be very useful in the number of use cases. At the same time, we believe that Z-wave version is besides serves the purpose and works great for many users (although at a much higher toll)

Are there cheaper door sensors for Home Banana

Yes, there are. Even if Zigbee-based SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor has a relatively low price you can further cut your costs. There are two ways you can exercise it (a) buy a Xiaomi Zigbee-based Aqara door sensors (c. $10) or (b) buy RF based sensors (c. $3 – $7). Saying that, even there is a significant price reduction, we still recommend to get for Zigbee and Z-wave products. At that place are two reasons why – warranty and local support.

Using door Sensors in Hassio

Integrating door sensors with Dwelling Assistant is a very easy process in the instance of Z-wave or Zigbee windows sensors. All you demand to do is to pair it with your comms stick and it will appear in Home Banana.

Automation ideas using door sensors

Frequenly Asked Questions

Should I employ Raspberry Pi or NAS for Home Assistant?

It depends on may factors, only in full general Raspberry Pi 3+ volition satisfy the needs of the majority of users. Consider using NAS to host Home Assistant if you lot are planning to use CPU intensive Add-ons or any other docker based applications.

Should I use Zigbee or Z-wave with Dwelling Banana?

Zigbee devices are more often than not cheaper, just some devices (like multi-sensors) can simply exist found using Z-moving ridge protocol. For my Home Assistant setup I accept both then I do non need to cull. I am ownership Zigbee bulbs, switches and outlets. Z-wave is for h2o shut-off valves and multi sensors.

How tin can I brand sure that SD bill of fare won't exist currupted in Hassio?

There are three principal things you lot tin can do to reduce the gamble of SD card abuse: (ane) use a skillful power supply. Pi needs a minimum of iv.75v and quality USB cable to maintain the spec's. (2) Only use SD carte with Wear Leveling. This means it writes all over non the same place (3) lastly, reduce what you log. You can do it in recorder section in your configuration.yaml

Last update on 2022-03-fifteen / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Production Ad API


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